And then there are the hard days…

hard daysHard days happen to everyone. It is easy to remember that when you’re comforting someone you know who is having one of those days. It is easy to forget others have hard days when you’re having one of your own.  To be honest, it is a struggle for me some days to just keep functioning. And right now, I am having one of those hard days.

Words of comfort from the Bible

This morning, as things seemed to go from bad to worse, I had to force myself to do my daily Bible reading. In fact, since Saturday morning, I’ve had a verse that’s kept running in my mind: My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of my heart (Job 17:11). When I first began this blog above all else, I wanted to share my triumphs with my failures. Too many Christian blogs give the appearance that Christians are never supposed to have hard days. In complete honesty, I’ve never found that promise in the Bible – and I’ve looked hard for it.

I am in a period of “hard days”

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit (Psalms 34:18).

As I mentioned above, this morning was a fight to spend time in the Bible. But out of determination to keep my promise to the Lord, I did my reading anyway. I began my normal reading in Proverbs, but it was when I began to read the rest, a recurring theme appeared. God knows the reason of my broken heart. God also has a plan and even though I cannot see what that plan is, it is one that is best for me. But at times we all have days where knowing still does not ease the pain within my heart. And today is one of those hard days.

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken (Proverbs 15:13).

This verse simply states what we have all observed. When someone is truly happy, everything is impacted by that great joy. That joy becomes clear in everything they do. When someone has a heart that’s so heavy it breaks their spirit, they are almost inconsolable. When someone is that down and that broken, it’s often hard for their mind to make any sense of what is really happening around them. Right now, this is where I am. Not a lot makes sense right now.

What David said when he had  “those days”…

There are eight verses in Psalms that can be applied to “those days”. David, the Psalmist, calls them “days of trouble.” Eight is significant in the Bible because it symbolizes a new beginning. [1] It’s comforting to know that once these days of trouble are over, there’s a new beginning. A ninth verse, found in one of the minor prophets, states: The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him (Nahum 1:7). And yes, the number nine also has a significant meaning. It often refers to the fruits of the spirit or divine completeness from the Lord. [2]

There are times when we are going through “those days” where we do not want to hear the platitudes of others. I’ve heard so many “it’s going to be ok” and “you’ll come through this…” Right now, I do not want to hear those things any more. David understood those moments: In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord: my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul refused to be comforted (Proverbs 77:2). David needed to hear from the Lord. I understand David’s mindset. I needed to hear from the Lord.

Continued on the next page.