Monthly Archives: October 2021

Getting along with others within the church

getting along

One of the deadly infections any local church can have is the clique. The clique can become terminal, ripping apart local churches of all sizes. It begins as most church diseases start with nearly innocent motives. It is only natural that we seek out others within the congregation to befriend us, and getting along with others is an essential part of our Christian faith.

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Don’t let your heart become hardened

hardened heart

Hardened is a word that has many meanings depending on its use. If you’re involved in the construction or engineering field, hardened can refer to metals that have been made harder.

In the medical field, hardened can mean someone who, through experience, is no longer sensitive to the unpleasantness of healthcare. In each of those, being hardened is a good thing. However, there are many aspects of our life where being hardened isn’t a good thing.

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