False salvation – a warning because I’ve been there

Biblical salvation means coming to an end of ourselves

There’s a couple of verses that comes to mind when I think of the importance of coming to the end of ourselves when we seek the Lord. The first one is found in Isaiah: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD (Isaiah 55:8). The second is the verse, There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12). Biblical salvation is not according to what we want it to be or what we think, in our own understanding, what salvation should be. Biblical salvation is about realizing that there is nothing we can ever do to earn our way into Heaven or to earn forgiveness of our sins.

It means realizing we are accountable to a holy and righteous God. It is about accepting the fact that understanding that the price of our sins has been paid. We have to come to understanding and accepting what Paul wrote, For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s (1 Corinthians 6:20). With anything that has been purchased it becomes the property of the one who purchased it. The life I live is now not my own, but surprisingly there is great comfort in knowing that I belong to the Lord. There’s also great freedom in belonging to the Lord; not only am I free from the chains of sin, but also am free of the emptiness and loneliness that once filled my life.

A plea to come to Jesus…

For my regular readers, I’ve shared my testimony about how I came to receive the Lord as my own personal Savior. Since then, I am continually amazed as I have learned how complete God’s love is for me. In that day in 2006, Jesus took me just as I was. There was no prerequisite for me to do some great deed, nor was there a requirement to become something I wasn’t. He simply wanted all of me – all my imperfections, all my insecurities, all my sins, and all my desires. All that I ever would become, ever did, and was at that time was laid at the feet of Jesus.

Just as he did with the woman in Luke chapter 8, He forgave me, picked me up, and stood me up on solid ground. When I stumble, He is there, to lift me out of the waves and to help me back onto my feet. All this gives me the desire to walk closer to Him because He’s never forsaken me nor left me alone during my times of testing and trouble. He can do the same for you if you’re sincerely ready to surrender completely to Him and accept Him as your Lord and personal Savior.

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