An answer to an emailed comment

Blessings come from obedience

Whenever the Lord has called on us to do something for His glory He does reward us for our faithfulness in doing them. This scriptural principle was taught by Jesus Himself during his earthly ministry: His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord (Matthew 25:23). I don’t do this blog for the blessings that the Lord has given me and would simply do it out of obedience because of my love for Him. However, there have been blessings nevertheless. It blesses my soul and fills my heart with joy when I have someone tell me that they have read what I wrote and it brought them closer to the Lord. I rejoice when I have people tell me this site has been an encouragement to them. I also get a blessing out of being able to share what the Lord has taught me with others. 

When I began this site I did so with a vision of sharing my Christian faith with others and teaching basic Christian discipleship based on my understanding and studying of the Bible. I am thankful that the Lord has laid this ministry on my heart. Because of this web site ministry, the Lord blesses and teaches me through my personal devotions and daily Bible readings. It has allowed me to walk closer with the Lord, to be more sensitive to the leadings of the Holy Spirit, and is helping to shape me into the man that God has called me to be. I know that those are blessings that the world will never and can never understand, but if you are truly a child of God, then you easily understand the joy Christians can have when we are living within the plan for our lives that the Lord has for us.